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Visual Stories

Ogenblik (2010) 11 minuten

The film depicts and expresses the feelings of alienation. The film is the story of a woman looking to confirm her existence. She slowly finds it by focusing on the movement of others and the life of the city.


Gapen Video Installation 2012 for “Video-Wall”, een projection on the facade of Utrecht City Theater


Boot /Boat(2012) 5 minuten

Geert Koefoed, linguist and poet, reads one of his poems in which he tells about the boat that brought him, his mother and his brother from Indonesia to the Netherlands.


Kloof /Gap(2012) 6 minuten

Esther Kövy, violinist in the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, is a daughter of a Dutch mother and a Hungarian father. She talks about the contact with her father through the music.


The Cello Speaks (2012) 7 minuten

Arturo Muruzabal, cellist, was born and raised in the Basque Country, Spain and has been living in the Netherlands for 25 years. His life story is linked to the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset and to the solace he finds in the cello.


Life Long Walk (2014) 17:40

The video Life Long Walk documents a location theater project of a group of young asylum seekers in The Netherlands. Through working with images of their dreams, hopes and fears, the young men and women deal with their present reality as asylum seekers and their growing into a new country. Personal problems feed into the social process of making theater together. More importantly, however, the theater project hands them artistic forms to transcend their day-to-day realities and to give them voice. The eventual performance provides the youngsters with the opportunity of sharing their life stories with an audience. The performance becomes a stage for expressing optimism and hope of a better life.

Onderweg/Along the way (2015) 8 minuten

Navah-Tehila, born in Israel, is a rabbi of the Liberal Jewish Community in Utrecht. Her story is the story of being on the way between where she is and where she wants to be.

THE RED CELLO 6:40 (2015)

I made this short promotional film for cellist Arturo Muruzabal. 


Where the Sound Lives (2016) 8.30 minuten

I made the movie "Where the sound lives" for Pansori Living Sound. Yvonne de Bruijn, founder of Pansori, talks about her quest for the healing power of the human voice. It represents her dream to make Pansori a worldwide project.

The tuned ear (2016) 14.21 minuten

 Yvonne de Bruijn tells about Pansori Living Sound

edge (2020) 2.38 minuten

The very short film ‘edge’ follows the careful steps of a girl walking on the edge of a hill she slowly blends in with.


Still from the video Ogenblik 

Still from the video Boot

Still from the video The cello speaks

Still from the video Life Long Walk

Still from the video Along the way

Still from the video Where the Sound Lives

Still from the video Where The tuned ear

4 lopen op de rand 2 still.jpg

Still from the video edge

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