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Life Long Walk (2014)
17:40 minutes

The video Life Long Walk documents a location theater project of a group of young asylum seekers in The Netherlands. Through working with images of their dreams, hopes and fears, the young men and women deal with their present reality as asylum seekers and their growing into a new country. Personal problems feed into the social process of making theater together. More importantly, however, the theater project hands them artistic forms to transcend their day-to-day realities and to give them voice. The eventual performance provides the youngsters with the opportunity of sharing their life stories with an audience. The performance becomes a stage for expressing optimism and hope of a better life.

Where the sound lives (2016) 8:30 minutes


I made this film for Pansori Living Sound. Yvonne de Bruijn, founder of Pansori, tells about  her search for the healing power of the human voice, and her dream about making Pansori a worldwide project.


De film "Where the sound lives" heb ik gemaakt voor Pansori Living Sound. Yvonne de Bruijn, stichter van Pansori, vertelt over haar zoektocht naar de genezende kracht van de menselijke stem. Het vebeeldt haar droom om van Pansori een wereldwijdproject te maken.



The cello speaks  (2012) 7 minutes


The cello speaks is a video film about the feelings of alienation that an emigrant experiences in both his home country and the host countries he lives in during his life. The Spanish cellist Arturo Muruzabal tells his story of being a stranger. He was born and raised in the Basque Country and now lives in the Netherlands for 25 years. How the Spanish liberal philosopher José Ortega y Gasset inspired him, and how he finds solace in playing the cello.


Arturo Muruzabal, cellist, is geboren en getogen in Baskenland, Spanje en leeft al 25 jaar in Nederland. Zijn levensverhaal is verbonden met de filosoof José Ortega y Gasset en met de troost die hij vindt in de cello.


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